How Do You Know It's Time to Work with an Interior Designer?

Hiring an interior designer is not for everyone. For example, if you are a DIYer, you may not wish to work with a designer. However, a designer brings years of experience and training to help you with the hundreds of decisions needed with new construction, remodeling, and furnishing of a home. 

We have a trained eye and established relationships with many vendors and trades. We make all the hard work seem effortless and produce beautiful, cohesive spaces that increase the value of your home. Whether or not you decide to work with a designer will depend on your needs and expectations.

Here are 3 ways you know it’s time to work with an interior designer… 

1. You’re Not Sure Where to Start

Having big picture goals for your home and how you wish to live is an essential first step. Of course, you don't need to have it all figured out from the beginning but narrowing down your wishes and budget for the project is absolutely necessary to obtain the best results. 


2. You’re Ready to Invest in Your Home

Hiring an interior designer is an investment that you want to consider carefully. The designer needs your input and direction to create the spaces you long to have. If you are willing to be patient and trust the process, your reward will be ideas and solutions you never thought possible. 

If you wish to invest well and wisely in your home, having a professional interior designer is the right fit for you.


3. You Love to Delegate

Individuals that are very hands-on in creating their homes will be happier not working with a designer. However, Those who like the benefits a full-service interior designer brings will appreciate that a burden is lifted off their shoulders. They have a specialist handle it all for them. This can include space planning, creating drawings, making selections, and answering all their contractor’s questions.


If you are unsure what to do, please remember that interior designers are for those wishing to hand over the reins and focus on the end result. 

If you want to discuss your needs, please reach out for a free discovery call. We will discuss your project and determine if we are a good fit.

If you're ready to create a home that ticks all the boxes on your goals, reach out to us. We can't wait to hear about your project.

Until next time,



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