Our Best 3 Tips for Maintaining Freshness in Your Newly Designed Home

The day after the big reveal, a homeowner might feel a mix of elation and awe, basking in the beauty of their newly styled space and appreciating the transformative power of professional design. At the same time, there could be a hint of apprehension about maintaining their home's pristine condition and designer aesthetic, pondering the practicalities of living in a space that feels straight out of a magazine. 

To address these feelings, we’re sharing 3 practical tips and easy-to-follow strategies to ensure that you can preserve your home's designer look and feel long after the professionals have left.

Tip #1: Stay Organized with a Streamlined System 

Adopting a "clutter bin" strategy can be highly effective in maintaining the designer look in your home. Designate a specific bin for daily clutter, and make it a habit to sort and clear it out weekly, ensuring your space remains tidy and curated. 

When incorporating new elements into your home, follow the one-in-one-out rule: for every new item added, consider removing an existing piece to prevent overcrowding and maintain balance. To combat space creep, regularly reassess and reorganize your living areas, repurpose, donate, or discard items that no longer serve your aesthetic or functional needs, and keep your space intentional and harmonious.

Tip #2: Commit to Expert Care for Preserving Your Home's Integrity

Specific care is crucial for maintaining the beauty and longevity of various materials in your home. Brushed nickel and stainless steel benefit from gentle wiping with a soft, damp cloth and a mild detergent, followed by drying to prevent water spots; for cement, sealing it and using pH-neutral cleaners can protect its integrity. 

Wood surfaces thrive with regular dusting and occasional polishing with a suitable wood cleaner to enhance their natural luster. Tiles and marble require pH-neutral cleaners to avoid etching, and annually sealing marble helps prevent staining. Performance fabrics are more durable but still need prompt stain treatment and occasional vacuuming. Understanding and implementing these tailored cleaning methods, whether personally or through professional services, ensures your home's materials retain their aesthetic appeal and functionality, safeguarding your investment and enjoyment of the space. 

Tip #3: Break Out Our Beautifully-Robust Binder

At the conclusion of our collaboration, every client receives a comprehensive project binder.. This binder serves as a guide to ensure each element remains pristine, detailing specific maintenance tips and best practices. By equipping clients with this knowledge, we empower them to preserve the beauty and integrity of their space, enhancing their confidence in maintaining its designer look and feel for years to come. 

If your space, once styled by us, no longer carries that designer feel, remember we're here to help rejuvenate its charm. We offer specialized services to reset your design, enhance existing aesthetics, or provide a refreshing update before a new season or a significant event, ensuring your home continues to reflect your style and needs with elegance and flair.

For home design & maintenance tips you can use right away, sign up for our newsletter below. You'll be glad you did!

 Until next time,




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