How to Create a Neat, Organized Kitchen Pantry

With busy schedules, kids, and pets, kitchen pantries can get messy quickly. But don’t fret! I’m going to share 4 clever tips to help transform your pantry from cluttered chaos to perfectly pristine, all while setting up an easy-to-maintain system that will take the stress out of your day.

Tip #1: Remove Everything & Discard Expired Items

First things, first— if you want to get serious about organizing your pantry, take everything out and start with a clean slate. And I mean everything. You’ll be shocked to find the old, stale, or expired items that have been hiding in there. Toss…them...out! Then wipe down the shelves and get ready for a fresh start.

Tip #2: Create Practical Groupings

Next, group like items together. Create categories by similarities, such as pasta, breakfast items, and baking supplies. Think carefully about your kitchen routine and organize your pantry in a way that makes sense for you and your tribe. Grouping items that are often used together will make your meal prep or party planning a breeze.

Tip #3: Choose Smart Storage Solutions

Consider storage solutions that save space, serve a purpose, and are attractive. Get rid of bulky packaging and use clear containers for baking ingredients and breakfast cereals. Baskets work wonderfully for individual snacks and other loose items.

Larger bins along the bottom are perfect for heavier items like soda cans and water bottles. The Container Store is a wealth of inspiration and has hundreds of well-thought-out storage items.

Tip #4: Regularly Maintain Your Pantry

Monthly maintenance is key to keeping your pantry organized and in immaculate condition. Make sure to purge expired and unused items on a regular basis. Get the entire family on board by assigning each member a shelf or area of responsibility. The important thing is to create a system that is easy to implement for your household.

You CAN have a well-organized and beautiful pantry you are proud of. Putting the right systems and storage solutions for your lifestyle in place is the secret. Whether you’re planning a kitchen renovation or not, if you need help with designing a pantry that is the envy of your friends, reach out. I’d love to help!

Want your pantry (and every other room of the home) to stay organized all year long? Sign up for our monthly newsletter below and get inspired!

 Until next time,




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