Our Top 3 Tips for Blending Timeless Heirlooms and On-Trend Designs

Do you find it challenging to pinpoint your design style, torn between your love for vintage treasures and contemporary trends? Do you cherish your antique pieces? Rest assured, I can help you achieve a harmonious, collected design by seamlessly blending old and new elements. By carefully curating and integrating your beloved antiques with fresh, modern touches, we can create a unique and timeless interior that reflects your style and values. Here’s how…

1. Thoughtful Intention is Everything in Collected Design

In interior design, every component in a space matters, including the stories behind each piece. I prioritize designing around the feeling and atmosphere clients want to create rather than merely focusing on aesthetics. By understanding your desired ambiance and goals for the space, I can intentionally select items that contribute meaningfully to your design concept—resulting in a room that resonates on a deeper level.

2. Rules Should Be Followed when Fusing Styles

While designers often creatively challenge design rules, finding balance and harmony is essential when blending old and new elements in a space. To achieve this, I recommend subtlety in adding pops of color in predominantly neutral spaces and identifying common design elements between old and new items. By respecting specific styling rules and guidelines, we can ensure that the fusion of old and new creates a cohesive and visually appealing interior that respects the inherent charm of both styles.

3. Texture is a Powerful Tool in Blended Design

When working with antiques, flea market finds, and heirlooms, prioritizing texture over color can yield a more cohesive and visually interesting space. Create a room rich in texture while keeping an eye on color as a secondary consideration. By embracing visual variety in textures and materials, you can achieve a harmonious design that seamlessly weaves together diverse pieces, making the space feel cohesive and inviting.

Ready to get to work designing a space that is both meaningful and yet blissfully modern? That's our specialty. Give us a call!

 Until next time,




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